Opening Night with {The And}

By Level Ground (other events)

Thursday, February 26 2015 7:00 PM 9:00 PM PDT

LG tags: Documentary, Arts, Interactive, Psychology, Relationships

In an effort to help you know what to expect from each festival event and to decide which events you’ll most enjoy, we’ve created a Level Ground tagging system. 


Opening Night with {The And}
(2014, Directed by Topaz Adizes) 

Now is a unique period of time where our emotional experiences of life and the way we connect with one another are changing in fundamental ways. {The And}, a project presented by The Skin Deep and based in Brooklyn, NY, creates experiences that help us rethink and rediscover how we connect with others.

For example, would you ever talk with your partner about what one of you would do if the other cheated? Or about the best memories you have with a close friend? What about discussing the power dynamic between you? These are difficult conversations to have but they’re ones that we need to have — and the interactive documentary {The And} drives this point home like nothing else Level Ground has yet to encounter.

What’s an interactive documentary? We’ve heard it described as “a Choose Your Own Adventure-style film, but with less wizards and dragons and more brutal honesty.” Each experience is unique. The questions could be anything from “What’s the correct usage of money?” to “How do you feel when someone hits on your partner?”

The project, and our opening night experience, covers a huge variety of relationship types, ranging in age from the very young to the decidedly less young. Sometimes it’s magical to watch, sometimes it’s uncomfortable, but watching how people do or don’t connect with each other and how they communicate in difficult situations is fascinating on an intellectual level, wonder-inspiring on a spiritual level, and incredibly poignant on an emotional one. (S.C..)